Saturday, February 28, 2009

Calling All Caped Crusaders!

We are saving you a front row seat for Russell Lissau's program about how he writes Batman Strikes comics on Saturday, March 7th from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Lissau will also show you how you can write your own comic using three-act structure, pacing, and the layout process of creating a comic book. It's a lot of fun! This workshop will show you how to write and draw a story of your own in three panels. The audience will also be invited to write the dialogue for -- and letter -- a page from one of Lissau's Batman Strikes issues.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Follow the Pack to the Library!

Deadline Feb 28th
Winter Reading Club 2009
Bartlett Public Library District
Teen Services Department

First 5 Books Read
1. Pencil for the first book.
2. Pen for the second book.
3. Wolves Bobble-head figure for the third book.
4. Wolves hat for the fourth book.
5. One Final Drawing Coupon, paperback book (Substitute prizes may be awarded, if supplies run out.)

Additional 5 Books Read
Final Drawing Coupon for each additional five books read.

Drawing will be held Saturday, February 28.
Winners will be notified by phone.
First Prize $30 Gift Certificate to a Bookstore & Wolves tickets
Second Prize $25 Gift Certificate to a Bookstore & Wolves tickets
Third Prize $20 Gift Certificate to a Bookstore & Wolves tickets

Monday, February 9, 2009

Gemma Malley's newest book - The Resistance

Anna and Peter, who first appeared in The Declaration, are now “Legal” and living in London. They are taking care of Anna’s baby brother, Ben, and life is still pretty shaky for them. Even though they are no longer Surpluses, people look at them strangely because of their youth. Strangely and angrily, because even though Longevity drugs give you eternal life, they do not give you eternal youth.

Both Anna and Peter still have ties to the Underground, a network of people who have not signed the Declaration but instead will die naturally. In order to help their cause, Peter takes a job at Pincent Pharma, the company his grandfather owns. The company develops and manufactures Longevity drugs. Peter pretends to have changed to get on his grandfather’s good side and find out what’s going on behind closed doors.

Peter does find out what’s going on. And it’s bad. Very, very bad.

Can Peter, with the help of a few friends and a long-lost half-brother, make a difference? Find out in The Resistance, by Gemma Malley.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Meg Cabot's newest...

Emerson Watts is the COMPLETE opposite of all things considered acceptable at her preppy high-school: geeky, game-loving, and not stressed about her looks. She would much rather hang out with her best friend, Christopher, than obsess over the latest fashion trends. And Em is certainly no Nikki Howard, her Cosmo Girl-brainwashed little sister Frieda’s idol, Nikki Howard. Well, Nikki Howard is everything Em hates, supermodel-gorgeous, rich, with a ridiculous line of BFFs following her around. But when Em is forced to chaperone Frieda to the SoHo Stark Megastore opening, she finds her life about to be changed forever. One fatal moment of selflessness will cause Emerson Watts to fall down into a strange new world, never to return. And the Nikki Howards of the world will not be at all as Em expected.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Book Break - Book Discussion and Snack

Join us for a book discussion on
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
on Thursday, February 19th from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
in the library meeting room.
Also, we will be comparing and contrasting
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen to The Call of the Wild
on Thursday, February 26th from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
in the library meeting room.
To pick up books for the discussions, stop by the Bartlett Public Library Reference Desk.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Games @ the Library

Last Saturday, we had a great time at Games@ the Library. We played Rock Band on the PS3, DDR on the PS2, and Mario Kart and Monkey Ball on the XBOX. Next time, you should join us! See you over spring break.
Games @ the Library
Monday, March 24th and Tuesday March 25th
from 1-4:00 in the library meeting room.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

In an age filled with instant messages, social networks, and spam emails, imagine a world where you can hear everyone’s thoughts --- even the dog’s. This is the dystopian world where Todd Hewitt realizes, as he approaches his birthday, that the men in town are hiding something sinister and disturbing from him. As secrets begin to unfold, Todd is forced to run, fight, and survive in the wilderness of a newly colonized planet in his search for safety and truth. But can he do it? Find out in The Knife of Never Letting Go.
