Hazel Grace, the novel’s narrator, is a sixteen year old
cancer patient. She meets Augustus Waters, a handsome boy about her age who was
once a star basketball player before losing his leg to cancer. He comes off
initially as something of a James Dean, tortured rebel type, but Green quickly
develops him into a believable and unique character. One of my favorite touches
is how Augustus puts cigarettes into his mouth but never lights them. Hazel is
horrified when she first sees him put one in his mouth, but he tells her that “It’s
a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you
don’t give it the power to do its killing.” Augustus and Hazel’s relationship becomes
deeper when Augustus reads Hazel’s favorite book, An Imperial Affliction. This is apparently the most important novel
ever written, at least for the two of them, and their obsession with its
cryptic ending and the whereabouts of Peter Van Houten, the book’s reclusive
author, set in motion much of The Fault
In Our Stars’ plot.
While I enjoyed two other John Green novels, Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns, The Fault In Our Stars is by far the best of the three. It
maintains the unique and quirky characters from the other two novels while also
being a rare case of an author taking on more significant subject matter
without becoming heavy handed. I can’t recommend this book enough.
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